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How to order

Select any category of products from our catalogue
Use search or filters for more convenient searching. If selecting necessary products is difficult for you - don’t hesitate to consult our Assistants using our online-chat facility. We offer competitive prices for our products, as we reduce costs of the warehouse maintenance, storing and transporting, and we work directly with suppliers. Main currency of our shop is the euro. Please note that all prices include VAT.

Put necessary items into a shopping cart
You can put the products you like into a shopping cart every single day and come back to it at any time that is convenient. Goods selected earlier will be saved in a cart the next time you shop online on www.marine.expert
Please note that the minimum order amount is 100 euros.

Ask questions and consult
We understand that sometimes it’s difficult to deal with a wide range of the products, but don’t forget that you can ask our assistants any questions at any time - they will help you to make the right choice and will advise on necessary products.

Place the order
After you have decided on your order, you need to enter the receiver's data and delivery address. We advise you to become a regular customer, so as to be able to track shopping history and make your next purchases quicker. Even if you don’t register your account, our assistants will remind you about previous purchases at any time, just choose any convenient way to contact us: via online-chat, messengers, social media or by phone.

Pay for your order in any convenient way
For your comfort on the website www.marine.expert you can pay for the order using any payment card, with Paypal or with non-cash payment on invoice.
If you need additional consulting about the products in your shopping cart, you can place the order, but pay for it after our assistant contacts you to specify the details and answer your questions.
If you are placing the order as a legal person, during the stage of placing your order please fill out all the necessary data about your company and we will prepare the invoice and send it to you for payment.
Please note that payment on delivery is not available.

Order confirmation and shipment
After placing the order an assistant will contact you so as to confirm the payment, specify the details and answer your questions if you have any.
Order will be confirmed and shipped to a given address as quickly as possible.
We will try our best to make delivery as convenient as possible, but please note that your order can be delivered in several shipments if the ordered products are in the different warehouses or different countries.

Warranty and refunds
We are assured of the quality of the offered products, but if for any reason you will need to return the goods that were ordered earlier, you can issue a refund within 14 days. The products of leading worldwide yacht equipment manufacturers are presented on our website. Warranty of the manufacturers, who regulate its conditions, fully covers all types of products.
Please contact our assistants in any convenient way: via online-chat, messengers or by phone.





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С помощью уведомлений о заказе можно не только получать актуальную информацию по заказу, но и иметь быстрый канал связи с магазином