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A French manufacturer of trailers of all types for more than 30 years, MECANOREM today is one of the leaders in the French market.
With 80 people and over 8,000 m², the company combines its know-how and skills in four main areas:

  • Boat trailer: sailing/motor
  • Service Trailers
  • Port Handling Equipment
  • Special trailers and trailers to order


  • 1973 - Establishment of Ets LAHAYE based in Valogne
  • 1977 - Ets LAHAYE receives a new name MECANOREM
  • 1979 - 1st participation in the Paris Sea Show
  • 1981 - Launch of a range of service trailers (dump trucks, platforms, etc.)
  • 1986 - New expansion of the production site to 8,000 m²
  • 1987 - Launch of the port of loading and unloading
  • 1992 - Establishment of a base in the south of France, in Gignac-la-Nerta, near Marseille
  • 1998 - 1st participation in the Grand Pavua Fair in La Rochelle
  • 1999 - Launch of the MTX series of boat trailers with multi-roller system
  • 2000 - Acquisition of RGF and NAVIKA brands,
  • 2002 - Invention of the B100 system, a special trailer with a lowering system for vehicles with very low ground clearance
  • 2006 - MECANOREM becomes a member of the TRIGANO group trailer department
  • 2007 - Launch of the Transformers series


Sailing trailers:

  • Trailers for sailing ships with a loading capacity from 1050 to 2750 kg (2 axles)
    These MTV type trailers have been specially developed for the transport of sailing boats. Hot dipped galvanized chassis. Adjustable axles for perfect load distribution.
    Equipped with inertial brake. They are equipped with 4 telescopic candles, a front candle for receiving the bow of the boat and a ballast trough with an adjustable emphasis.
  • Trailers for sailing ships with a loading capacity of 2600 kg (3 axles)
    3-axle MTV sailboat trailer. Hot dipped galvanized chassis. Pendant with rubber elements. Equipped with an inertial brake system, 4 telescopic candles, a front candle for receiving the bow of the boat and a ballast trough with an adjustable emphasis.
  • Trailers for sailing ships with a loading capacity from 650 kg to 1800 kg (1 axis)
    Adjustable axle for perfect load balance. Pendant with rubber elements.
    Equipped with the inertial brake system. They are equipped with 4 telescopic candles, a front candle for receiving the bow of the boat and a ballast trough with an adjustable emphasis.



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