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Radek Masin CEO of the Ultra Marine has been in the maritime business for over 30 years. Over that time, he has tried almost all the roles that are related to this passion – a yacht owner, the customer as well as a salesman.
In 2013, he met Yucel family and their unique products. Their family business develops and produces revolutionary anchors and anchoring accessories. These products absolutely fascinated Mr Masin and therefore, in 2014, he became the exclusive distributor for Europe. Now, under the Ultra Marine brand, they offer unique products manufactured on the basis of original patents that have brought a true revolution to anchoring.


  • Ultra Marine cooperates with breakdown services at sea.
  • The American Bureau Of Shipping, the official U.S. authority, has approved our Ultra Marine anchor design strength level as 7 times higher in comparison the conventional “admiral” anchor design.
  • Bruno Troublé, the world-renown French sailor who competed in the 1968 and 1976 Summer Olympics, experiencing the advantages and functions of our anchors every day.
  • Film director and diver Steve Lichtag also recognized the great contribution of our anchors to protecting the seabed. His last 3D film, Aldabra Island, was shot in the Seychelles, where our anchors have been appreciated not only by local boat owners but also by government authorities.
  • Ultra Marine keep the future in mind! The unique functionality and anchoring efficiency of their anchor contributes to protecting the seabed from often quite irreversible damage.
  • More than 15 000 satisfied customers.


Ultra Marine Anchors produces high-tech anchors and accessories. The company has created an anchor that differs in production from all others. Hand-made from 316 stainless steel and hand-polished which allows better capture of soils from soft mud. Ultra Anchors demonstrate the importance of correct weight distribution and design when setting and recovering an anchor. In fact, invert any Ultra Anchor and it will instantly recover itself to the attack position. Such performance has been achieved thanks to the innovative patented features displayed below. Each Anchor is easily recoverable due to the flat pivot surface on the underside base. We focused on practical use, and behaviour during anchor´s operation, followed by the performance which has been achieved with the innovative patented features, as every Ultra Anchor displays.
Including a curved lead filled tip for instant penetration, a hollow shank for weight distribution optimum and surface concaved base for maximum holding power, and finally, large side wing plates to avoid release during changing wind or tide conditions. Furthermore, each anchor is easily recoverable with the flat pivot surface on the underside base. Standard anchor sizes range from 5 kg to 360 kg (larger anchors on request). Every ULTRAnchor is stamped with a unique serial number, ensuring your anchor is always identifiable.



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