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First aid kits

Articolo: 66002

Allow the crew to cope with most incidents on board. 3 kits for coastal, river or blue water sailing. Come in a handy plastic case. Compliant with Division 240 French regulation.

€ 29
€ 23.20
€ 23.20

First aid kits contain the medicine and products that comply with the French regulation (Division 240, latest update of 12 May 2019). They feature the minimum contents to allow the crew to cope with most incidents. As he feels appropriate, the skipper should not hesitate to top-up with additional medicine to match the navigation programme and the potential specific needs of some crewmembers.

Compliance / Regulation

Model Compliant with Case color Case dimensions, cm
Coastal French Div.240 recreational boating, sea navigation, 6 NM max. Grey 22 x 27 x 7
Offshore / waterways French Div.240 recreational boating, sea + inner waterways, 6 to 60 NM max. White 22 x 27 x 7
Ocean French Div.240 recreational boating, sea navigation, beyond 60 NM White 37 x 25 x 9 


Contents Coastal Offshore / waterways Ocean
First aid guidance English/French 1 1 1
Sterile gauze pads 7.5 x 6.5 cm 5 5 5
Adhesive dressing to cut, 1 m x 6 cm 1 1 1
Adhesive dressings 1.9 x 7.2 cm 10 10 10
Small round adhesive dressings 10 10 10
Paraffin gauze dressings - - 8
Non-woven adhesive tape 1 1 1
Compression adhesive bandage - - 1
Cohesive elastic bandage - 1 1
Hemostatic pad - 1 1
Chlorhedixine sachets - 10 10
Hydro-alcoholic gel - 100 ml 100 ml
Vinyl gloves - 5 pairs M + 5 pairs L 5 pairs M + 5 pairs L
Foil survival blanket - 1 1
Safety pins - - 12
Scissors - - 1
Tweezers - - 1
Electronic thermometer - - 1


Allow 3-5 business days for the order to ship. Due to current situation, some shipments and deliveries may be delayed for a few days. We appreciate your patience and understanding.


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